Catholic Radio relies on the support and generosity of the Owensboro Catholic community in order to stay on air and broadcast the quality Catholic programming that you’ve come to expect and enjoy. As such, WIMM is independently financed and does not receive any financial support from the Diocese of Owensboro or any of its parishes. We ask that if you are so able, please support us financially.

WIMM is an 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Your donations are tax-deductible and contribute directly to the mission of WIMM.

There are 2 ways to financially support Savior Radio:

  1. You can make a one time single donation by sending a Check to Savior Radio Network, PO Box1574, Owensboro, Ky 42302
  2. Become a Program Underwriter.

Underwriting rates are $100 per month.  Underwriters must first purchase a 4 month block, then they may renew for 2 months at a time.  Underwriter announcement spots are 30 seconds long and run 12 times a day which is 360 times a month.  We also post the underwriters logo and contact information on our website.

For more information and our rate card, please contact us today!