Owensboro Catholic Radio Needs Your Help!

Like all Catholic radio stations around the country, Owensboro Catholic Radio is a listener supported, non profit radio station.  We operate on a shoe-string budget.  Therefore, the help of volunteers like you will determine the future success of Catholic Radio in the Owensboro community.

Here are some ways that you can help:

Do you have any knowledge of the radio business?  We are always looking for help in this area.

If you have a heart for spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ through media, please email us to introduce yourself and let us know how you would like to volunteer. We will call or email you and set up a time to meet and show you how WIMM operates. If you would like to become one of our helpful volunteers, we have much work that needs to be done.

Thank you for prayerfully considering volunteering for Owensboro’s Catholic Radio station, 107.7 FM, WIMM.