Catholic Q&A # 41: What is Pentecost?

Catholic Q&A # 41: What is Pentecost?

Question: What is Pentecost? Answer: Most people only know Pentecost as a Christian holiday, one that commemorates the day when the Holy Spirit fell on the apostles and disciples of Christ as they gathered in the Upper Room after the Ascension. While the apostles and disciples remained in Jerusalem out of obedience to Christ (cf. Acts 1:4-5), Scripture tells us that Jews from many different … Continue reading

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Catholic Q&A #36: Why does the Bible say that Jesus had brothers if Mary was a virgin her whole life?

Catholic Q&A #36: Why does the Bible say that Jesus had brothers if Mary was a virgin her whole life?

Question: Why does the Bible say that Jesus had brothers if Mary was a virgin her whole life? Answer: There are several verses in Scripture that refer to the “brothers” of Jesus (cf. Mt 12:46; 13:55-56; Mk 3:31; Lk 8:19; Jn 7:1-10; Acts 1:14; Gal 1:19). However, it is not necessary to believe that these “brothers” were actually His siblings. Remember, the New Testament was … Continue reading

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Catholic Q&A #23: Where does Scripture say that Mary was conceived without sin?

Catholic Q&A #23: Where does Scripture say that Mary was conceived without sin?

Question: Where does Scripture say that Mary was conceived without sin? Answer: First, note the parallel between Mary and the ark of the Old Covenant: Both Mary (cf. Lk 1:39) and the ark (cf. 2 Sam 6:2) arise and go to Judah. Both Mary (cf. Lk 1:56) and the ark (cf. 2 Sam 6:11) reside for 3 months in their new locations. David leaps with … Continue reading

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Catholic Q&A #21: What does the “assumption” of Mary mean and where is that in the Bible?

Catholic Q&A #21: What does the “assumption” of Mary mean and where is that in the Bible?

Question: What does it mean that Mary was “assumed into heaven”? Is there any proof of this in Scripture? Answer: What this means is that Mary, having completed the course of her earthly life, was assumed (or “taken up”) body and soul into heavenly glory. When you or I die, our soul goes to heaven (or hell), but our body remains in the dirt. Mary … Continue reading

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Catholic Q&A #19: Does devotion to Mary detract from our relationship with Jesus?

Catholic Q&A #19: Does devotion to Mary detract from our relationship with Jesus?

Question: How do I respond to someone who says that devotion to Mary takes the focus off of Jesus and detracts from our relationship with Him? Answer: A devotion to Mary is certainly not detrimental to our relationship with Christ. In fact, Marian devotion both flows from and leads to a relationship with Him. Marian devotion flows from a relationship with Christ in that, when … Continue reading

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Catholic Q&A #11: Can you recommend some books for those disenchanted with the Catholic Church?

Catholic Q&A #11: Can you recommend some books for those disenchanted with the Catholic Church?

Question: I am a cradle Catholic who has become disenchanted with the Church. What books would you recommend I read that will convince me to come back? Answer: It is very admirable of you to give Catholicism a second chance. Some people give little thought to abandoning the Church of their youth, yet I see from your words that you consider this to be a … Continue reading

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Catholic Q&A #10: Did Jesus rebuke Mary at the wedding feast at Cana?

Catholic Q&A #10: Did Jesus rebuke Mary at the wedding feast at Cana?

Question: At the wedding feast of Cana, it seems like Jesus rebuked Mary when she told him that there was no more wine. Is that really what happened? Answer: Well, first of all, here is the passage in question: Jn 2:1-5 On the third day there was a marriage at Cana in Galilee, and the mother of Jesus was there; 2 Jesus also was invited … Continue reading

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