Q&A Potpourri #6
What is proper behavior in a Catholic church both before and after Mass?
One should act reverently in a Catholic church both before and after Mass, and even when Mass is not being celebrated, because the Eucharist is present.
When a Catholic first enters the church building, he dips his fingers in the holy water font and makes the Sign of the Cross. Once he finds the pew in which he would like to sit, he genuflects towards the tabernacle, makes the Sign of the Cross, and enters the pew. Once in the pew, he kneels in prayer, preparing himself spiritually for the Mass that is soon to begin. Silence is observed from the moment he enters the Church, so as not to distract anyone in their prayer.
Once Mass has ended and the priest has left the sanctuary, then one is free to go, although it is praiseworthy to sing the entire closing song (or “recessional hymn”). Once the song has ended, it is customary (although not required) to kneel in the pew and say a prayer of thanksgiving, or the prayer to St. Michael the Archangel. When the Catholic exits the pew, he genuflects towards the tabernacle, makes the Sign of the Cross, and then approaches one of the exits. Before leaving, he dips his fingers in the holy water font and makes the Sign of the Cross. Silence is observed once the closing song is finished, so as not to distract anyone in their prayer.
Which sacrament is the greatest?
The Church’s greatest sacrament, the source and summit of her faith and worship, is the Eucharist.
How is the Catholic bible different from other bibles?
The Catholic Bible is different from other Bibles in that it contains 7 more books (Sirach, Tobit, Wisdom, Judith, 1 and 2 Maccabees, and Baruch) as well as additions to Daniel and Esther.
What are the four main parts of the Sacrament of Reconciliation?
Those are contrition, confession, absolution, and satisfaction. To learn about each one, see the Catechism of the Catholic Church, nos. 1450-1460.
Who is called to defend the Catholic Church?
All Catholics are called to defend the Church, and are empowered by the sacraments to do that very thing.
Peace of Christ to you,
Nicholas Hardesty,
WIMM Board Member
Director of Religious Education,Blessed Mother Catholic Church
Feel free to email your questions to nicholashardesty@gmail.com