Catholic Q&A #21: What does the “assumption” of Mary mean and where is that in the Bible?

Catholic Q&A #21: What does the “assumption” of Mary mean and where is that in the Bible?

Question: What does it mean that Mary was “assumed into heaven”? Is there any proof of this in Scripture? Answer: What this means is that Mary, having completed the course of her earthly life, was assumed (or “taken up”) body and soul into heavenly glory. When you or I die, our soul goes to heaven (or hell), but our body remains in the dirt. Mary … Continue reading

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Catholic Q&A #20: What is the difference between “bowing down to” and “venerating” a statue or icon?

Catholic Q&A #20: What is the difference between “bowing down to” and “venerating” a statue or icon?

Question: Can you explain the difference between “bowing down to” and “venerating” a statue or icon? Answer: There really isn’t a difference, as long as you understand that, when Catholics bow (or make some other act of affection such as kissing, touching, or embracing) they are not giving divine worship or adoration to an object, as if it were an idol. Instead, they are acknowledging … Continue reading

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Catholic Q&A #19: Does devotion to Mary detract from our relationship with Jesus?

Catholic Q&A #19: Does devotion to Mary detract from our relationship with Jesus?

Question: How do I respond to someone who says that devotion to Mary takes the focus off of Jesus and detracts from our relationship with Him? Answer: A devotion to Mary is certainly not detrimental to our relationship with Christ. In fact, Marian devotion both flows from and leads to a relationship with Him. Marian devotion flows from a relationship with Christ in that, when … Continue reading

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Catholic Q&A #18: Why can’t women be priests?

Catholic Q&A #18: Why can’t women be priests?

Question: Why can’t women be priests? Isn’t that discrimination? Answer: Well, if the priesthood was reserved to men because the Church thought that men were better or superior to women, then that would be discrimination. But, that’s not the reason why women can’t be priests. The crux of this issue is the nature of the priesthood and the sacrament that the priest makes present. Every … Continue reading

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Catholic Q&A #17: Lent Potpourri

Catholic Q&A #17: Lent Potpourri

Question: Why do we put ashes on our forehead on Ash Wednesday? Answer: Ashes are a symbol of mourning, mortality, and penance. After all, “you are dust, and to dust you shall return” (Gen 3:19). That was God’s reminder to Adam after he commited the original sin. During Old Testament times, God’s people would cover themselves with ashes in times of mourning, or to make … Continue reading

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Catholic Q&A #16: How can I assist in the conversion of a non-Catholic friend?

Catholic Q&A #16: How can I assist in the conversion of a non-Catholic friend?

Question: I have a Protestant friend who is considering becoming Catholic. I’ve taken him to Mass a few times and we’ve had a few conversations about our beliefs. But, usually when I ask him about converting, he just says, “I’m still thinking about it.” Is there anything more I can do? Answer: Well, patience is key. If it was up to us, we would have … Continue reading

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Catholic Q&A #15: What is the difference between an angel and a saint?

Catholic Q&A #15: What is the difference between an angel and a saint?

Questions: What is the difference between an angel and a saint? Answer: Good question! I think it depends on what you mean by the word “saint.” Usually when people use this word they are referring to those holy men and women who came before us and who are now in heaven praying for us. When you use the word “saint” in that way, then the … Continue reading

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