Catholic Q&A # 91: What is the “prosperity gospel”?

Catholic Q&A # 91: What is the “prosperity gospel”?

Question: What is the “prosperity gospel” I keep hearing about? Is it true to what the Bible says? Answer: The prosperity gospel is the teaching that what God wants more than anything is for you to be happy, and He establishes this happiness in your life by blessing you with monetary wealth, bodily health, peace of mind, and positive relationships. If you have faith in … Continue reading

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Catholic Q&A #90: Did Jesus come to abolish religion?

Catholic Q&A #90: Did Jesus come to abolish religion?

Question: Did Jesus come to abolish religion?   Answer: Well, it depends on how one defines “religion”. Everyone has their own definition, and ample connotations as well. The glossary from the Catechism of the Catholic Church defines religion as: “A set of beliefs and practices followed by those committed to the service and worship of God. The first commandment requires us to believe in God, … Continue reading

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Catholic Q&A #89: Is religion the most divisive, destructive, and deadly force in the world?

Catholic Q&A #89:  Is religion the most divisive, destructive, and deadly force in the world?

Question: How do I respond to someone who says that religion is the most divisive, destructive, and deadly force in the world? Answer: The first thing I would do is establish the positive impact that religion has had on the growth of civilizations and the general wellbeing of mankind. The sciences have been especially nurtured by religious people, especially Catholics. The scientific fields with important … Continue reading

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CAtholic Q&A # 83: Are the Jews still God’s chosen people?

CAtholic Q&A # 83: Are the Jews still God’s chosen people?

Question: Are the Jews still God’s chosen people? Answer: Yes, “for the gifts and the call of God are irrevocable” (Rom 11:29) and He said of the Jewish people: “Now therefore, if you will obey my voice and keep my covenant, you shall be my own possession among all peoples; for all the earth is mine, and you shall be to me a kingdom of … Continue reading

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Catholic Q&A # 75: What proof is there in the resurrection of Jesus?

Catholic Q&A # 75: What proof is there in the resurrection of Jesus?

Question: What proof is there in the resurrection of Jesus? Answer: First, the Christian claim is that Jesus of Nazareth, a Jewish prophet who claimed to be the Messiah, was arrested, condemned by Pontius Pilate, and crucified. He was placed in the tomb of Joseph of Arimathea, which was sealed with a large boulder and guarded by Roman soldiers. Three days later, some women who … Continue reading

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Catholic Q&A #57: What is Purgatory?

Catholic Q&A #57: What is Purgatory?

Question: What is Purgatory? Answer: People tend to think of Purgatory in a variety of ways: “Purgatory is a place where souls who don’t deserve heaven get a second chance to be with God”; “Purgatory is the best that I can hope for in the afterlife, since heaven is only for really holy people”; “Purgatory is a place where souls work their own way into … Continue reading

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Catholic Q&A # 56: What is the difference between mortal and venial sin?

Catholic Q&A # 56: What is the difference between mortal and venial sin?

Question: What is the difference between mortal and venial sin? Answer: The “Glossary” in the back of the Catechism of the Catholic Church defines mortal sin as: A grave infraction of the law of God that destroys the divine life (or “sanctifying grace”) in the soul of the sinner, constituting a turn away from God. For a sin to be mortal, three conditions must be … Continue reading

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