Catholic Q&A # 34: What is advent?

Catholic Q&A # 34: What is advent?

Question: What is Advent? Answer: The Modern Catholic Dictionary, by Fr. John A. Hardon, tells us that Advent is, “A period of prayer in preparation for Christmas, including four Sundays, the first nearest the feast of St. Andrew, November 30. It is the beginning of the Church’s liturgical year (Etym. Latin adventus, a coming, approach, arrival.).” Advent is a time of preparation for and anticipation … Continue reading

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Catholic Q&A # 30: What is “Christology”?

Catholic Q&A # 30: What is “Christology”?

Question: What is “Christology”? What is “high Christology” and “low Christology”? Answer: You must have been speaking with a theology student! Most people don’t speak of these things in every day conversation. But, it is good for all of us to know at least a little something about them. After all, they have to do with our Savior … and He is very important to … Continue reading

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Bishop William Medley to Address Public Rally Against the Affordable Care Act HHS Mandate, Friday, June 8

Bishop William Medley to Address Public Rally Against the Affordable Care Act HHS Mandate, Friday, June 8

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE from Gospel of Life Committee   Bishop William Medley and representative of Silent No More to Address Public Rally Against the Affordable Care Act HHS Mandate, Friday, June 8 OWENSBORO—On Friday, June 8, as the United States Supreme Court prepares to issue its ruling on the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), concerned citizens of Owensboro will take to the streets … Continue reading

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Catholic Q&A #25: What happens when we receive the Eucharist?

Catholic Q&A #25: What happens when we receive the Eucharist?

Question: What happens when we receive the Eucharist? Answer: When you receive the Eucharist, you become a tabernacle or a vessel of the Lord. Jesus Christ truly resides within you – Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity. As such, there are many amazing spiritual effects that come from this experience: we receive grace from God that forgives us of our venial (or “lesser”) sins and strengthens … Continue reading

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Catholic Q&A #24: Why do some women wear a veil at Mass?

Catholic Q&A #24: Why do some women wear a veil at Mass?

Question: Why do some women wear a veil at Mass? Answer: It has been a long-standing custom in the Church for a woman to wear a veil at Mass or in the presence of our Lord in the Eucharist. Although it seems to have gone out of fashion nowadays, there is certainly nothing that prevents a woman from continuing this practice, and it is a … Continue reading

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Catholic Q&A #20: What is the difference between “bowing down to” and “venerating” a statue or icon?

Catholic Q&A #20: What is the difference between “bowing down to” and “venerating” a statue or icon?

Question: Can you explain the difference between “bowing down to” and “venerating” a statue or icon? Answer: There really isn’t a difference, as long as you understand that, when Catholics bow (or make some other act of affection such as kissing, touching, or embracing) they are not giving divine worship or adoration to an object, as if it were an idol. Instead, they are acknowledging … Continue reading

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Catholic Q&A #19: Does devotion to Mary detract from our relationship with Jesus?

Catholic Q&A #19: Does devotion to Mary detract from our relationship with Jesus?

Question: How do I respond to someone who says that devotion to Mary takes the focus off of Jesus and detracts from our relationship with Him? Answer: A devotion to Mary is certainly not detrimental to our relationship with Christ. In fact, Marian devotion both flows from and leads to a relationship with Him. Marian devotion flows from a relationship with Christ in that, when … Continue reading

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