Catholic Q&A #25: What happens when we receive the Eucharist?

Catholic Q&A #25: What happens when we receive the Eucharist?

Question: What happens when we receive the Eucharist? Answer: When you receive the Eucharist, you become a tabernacle or a vessel of the Lord. Jesus Christ truly resides within you – Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity. As such, there are many amazing spiritual effects that come from this experience: we receive grace from God that forgives us of our venial (or “lesser”) sins and strengthens … Continue reading

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Catholic Q&A #18: Why can’t women be priests?

Catholic Q&A #18: Why can’t women be priests?

Question: Why can’t women be priests? Isn’t that discrimination? Answer: Well, if the priesthood was reserved to men because the Church thought that men were better or superior to women, then that would be discrimination. But, that’s not the reason why women can’t be priests. The crux of this issue is the nature of the priesthood and the sacrament that the priest makes present. Every … Continue reading

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Catholic Q&A #11: Can you recommend some books for those disenchanted with the Catholic Church?

Catholic Q&A #11: Can you recommend some books for those disenchanted with the Catholic Church?

Question: I am a cradle Catholic who has become disenchanted with the Church. What books would you recommend I read that will convince me to come back? Answer: It is very admirable of you to give Catholicism a second chance. Some people give little thought to abandoning the Church of their youth, yet I see from your words that you consider this to be a … Continue reading

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Catholic Q&A #6: Infallibility?

Catholic Q&A #6: Infallibility?

Question: Does the Catholic Church today view Catholic authority as infallible? If it does, how can you justify evil acts by Popes? What about the Crusades and the Spanish Inquisition? Answer: Well, first of all, infallibility doesn’t mean “never sinning.” It means “protection from error when speaking authoritatively.” Jesus did not promise that the leaders of the Church would never sin. Instead, He promised that … Continue reading

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Catholic Q&A #5: spiritual dryness?

Catholic Q&A #5: spiritual dryness?

Question: Do you have any words of wisdom regarding “spiritual dryness”? Answer: I’ve been thinking a lot about this, and the word that keeps coming to mind is “perseverance.” Paul tells us, “It is for discipline that you have to endure. God is treating you as sons; for what son is there whom his father does not discipline?” (Heb 12:7). Spiritual dryness is meant to … Continue reading

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Catholic Q&A #3: What is the difference between “Roman Catholic” and “Catholic”?

Catholic Q&A #3: What is the difference between “Roman Catholic” and “Catholic”?

Question: What is the difference between “Roman Catholic” and “Catholic”? What sets the Eastern Orthodox Catholics apart from us? Are there several different forms of Catholic faith? Answer: Before we begin, it will be helpful to define what a “rite” is. In this context, a “rite” is a family of Catholic liturgical, ecclesiastical, and theological traditions. The Catechism of the Catholic Church lists seven such … Continue reading

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Catholic Q&A #2: What does Paul mean when he says that he “completes what is lacking in Christ’s afflictions” (Col 1:24-25)?

Catholic Q&A #2: What does Paul mean when he says that he “completes what is lacking in Christ’s afflictions” (Col 1:24-25)?

Question: What does Paul mean when he says that he “completes what is lacking in Christ’s afflictions” (Col 1:24-25)? I thought Jesus’ work on the Cross was perfect! What could anyone do that Jesus hasn’t already done for us? Answer: This is a very good question, and I think, one of the great mysteries of Scripture. What you have to ask yourself is this: What … Continue reading

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