Catholic Q&A # 52: What is transubstantiation?

Catholic Q&A # 52:  What is transubstantiation?

Questions: What is transubstantiation? Answer: Transubstantiation is what takes place in the Mass when the bread and wine become the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus Christ. It is basically a way of explaining how the change from “bread” to “Jesus” takes place. In transubstantiation, the accidents of the bread and wine remain the same while the substance of the bread and wine are … Continue reading

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Updated Mass, Confession, and Adoration Times

Updated Mass, Confession, and Adoration Times

Owensboro Catholic Radio has just recently updated our pages listing the Owensboro Area Mass Times, Confession Times, and Eucharistic Adoration Times. See the following links: Mass Times: Confession Times: Eucharistic Adoration Times: Many thanks to our WIMM volunteers for doing the tedious research required to keep these pages updated. If any of you notice a change in the schedule of your home … Continue reading

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Catholic Q&A #50: Potpourri #3

Catholic Q&A #50: Potpourri #3

Q&A Potpourri #3 What should I do to become Catholic? Call the Director of Religious Education or the Pastor at your local Catholic church and inquire about entering the RCIA process. If you have to wait several months before you can begin the process, then spend that time reading the Catechism of the Catholic Church in order to get the best possible understanding of what … Continue reading

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Catholic Q&A # 49: Potpourri #2

Catholic Q&A # 49: Potpourri #2

Q&A Potpourri #2 How long does it take for a person to become Catholic? It depends on the individual. The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) process can take anywhere from 8 months (the typical length) to 2 years (the recommended length), but some people go through years of personal study into the Catholic faith before they finally make the decision to enter the … Continue reading

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Catholic Q&A # 48: Potpourri #1

Catholic Q&A # 48: Potpourri #1

Q&A Potpourri #1 What is baptismal grace? Baptismal grace is the grace that a person receives when he or she is baptized. This grace has the effect of cleansing a person of all sin. Can you baptize your child a second time as a Catholic so as to change the godparents? No. According to the Catholic Church, a person can only be baptized once. Who … Continue reading

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Catholic Q&A # 47: Does the Bible say anything about drinking alcohol?

Catholic Q&A # 47: Does the Bible say anything about drinking alcohol?

Question: Does the Bible say anything about drinking alcohol? Answer: Yes, it does, whenever it mentions the consumption of wine or “strong drink.” The responsible consumption of wine is encouraged in the Bible. Jesus and the Apostles all took wine to drink at the Last Supper (cf. Mt 26:27,29). Jesus would not have made Himself sacramentally present in wine if wine was prohibited. The Son … Continue reading

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Catholic Q&A #44: Does the Bible say anything about having priests in the Church?

Catholic Q&A #44: Does the Bible say anything about having priests in the Church?

Question: Does the Bible say anything about having priests in the Church? Answer: Yes it does. God told his people through the mouth of Jeremiah, “I will give you shepherds after my own heart who will feed you with knowledge and understanding” (Jer 3:15). It was through His holy priesthood that God guided his people and provided for their worship and holiness both in the … Continue reading

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